Audio Recordings of Tony Martin (1985 - 1987)


1. Asking for Calm
2. Getting Lost in Toronto
3. Death of Chubb the Family Dog
4. Last Visit to Bishop's Falls
5. Children's Personalities
6. The Return of Father Martin Part 1
7. How Business is Done in the Philippines
8. My 59th Birthday
9. People I Knew in Bishop's Falls
10. Three Drunks on Sydney Street Bishop's Falls
11. Families on Sydney Street Part 1
12. Families on Sydney Street Part 2
13. Bishop's Falls Little Rascals
14. So Confining So Inhuman
15. We Never Grew Up as a Family
16. Who Was George Martin? Part 1
17. Who Was George Martin? Part 2
18. Who Was George Martin? Part 3
19. Tony Martin Talks to His Son Ramon Part 1
20. The Return of Father Martin Part 2
21. Jesus and Marcos
22. Cory Aquino's Press Conference Part 1
23. Cory Aquino's Press Conference Part 2
24. Tony Martin's Thoughts on the 1986 People Power Revolution
25. The Final Years Part 1 The Germans Have Contacted Me
26. The Final Years Part 2 Working in Cebu City
27. The Final Years Part 3 How the Germans Are Helping Filipinos
28. The Final Years Part 4 How BECs are a Democratic Unit
29. The Final Years Part 5 Corruption in Cooperatives.mp3
30. The Loss of VICTO in 37 Seconds.mp3
31. Tony Martin Talks To His Son Ramon Part 2
32. Tony Martin Talks To His Son Ramon Part 3
33. Introduction to Tape 03
34. Our Tapes Are Crossing the Pacific
36. Kellys VS O'Sullivans
37. I Don't Like the Way Filipinos Cook Fish
38. Tony Martin Speaking Broken Visayan Dialect
39. Tony Martin Explains SEMAP
40. Philippine History Part 1 Geography
41. Philippine History Part 2 Land Reform
42. Philippine History Part 3 Colonial Rulers
43. Philippine History Part 4 Church VS Communists VS Marcos
44. Tony Martin Thoughts on the Communist Movement
45. Building Churches and Credit Unions in Leyte
46. The Problems of the Philippines
47. Catholic Priests Are Not Poor!
48. Tony Martin Questions Jesus Christ
49. Jesus Christ Before Christianity
50. Goodbye To You All